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SUNY DLE Data Strategy team developing governance framework for the DLE Data

The rollout of the Brightspace DLE as a single-instance multi-tenant environment provides both opportunities and challenges when it comes to data.  We are implementing an intentional data strategy, putting best practices for data governance at the forefront.  The SUNY Data Governance tasks force has outlined Guiding Principles for ensuring that Data is Available, Managed and acknowledged as a Shared Responsibility.  Using these principles as our guide, and building upon the strong Data Governance framework of the SUNY Office of Institutional Research and Data Analytics, the DLE Data Strategy team is developing the governance framework for the DLE Data.  This team is made up of individuals from across SUNY System Administration as well as a Campus Advisory group representing the diverse campus roles who use and rely upon this data.   The primary goals of this work are to ensure that everyone within SUNY who needs access to the data in the DLE has it, at a level that is appropriate for their role, and that they have the information they need to use it responsibly and without bias.

Cohort 3 Launches

Over 91 representatives from the 11 campuses that comprise Cohort 3 participated in a virtual kick-off meeting at the beginning of August. The respective project teams from SUNY System Administration and D2L were introduced, and an initial schedule of activities was shared as part of the implementation that will assist campuses to transition into SUNY’s new Digital Learning Environment. Cohort 3 campuses then moved into a multi-month process involving academic and technical planning, training, testing, and piloting. Cohort 3 campuses plan to go live in the production environment in the upcoming spring term.

The timeline below demonstrates a high-level schedule for campuses and SUNY technical teams to follow for all the activities and milestones for the implementation. This timeline is purely for guidance as each campus may move at a slightly different pace in accomplishing their tasks.

A chart conveying a detailed timeline for Cohort 1. February 2 is the kick off session. February 7-25 are the initial discovery sessions with D2L. February 28 - March 11 - Access to Brightspace guided training and what the training team are calling virtual "Fireside chats." March 14 - March 18 - Campus System Administrator Training. Training opportunities continue through December. March 21 - 25 - Focused discovery/configuration sessions. March 25 - Access to the production site. March 28 - April 1 - Course migration overview and sample course conversion (five courses per campus). April 4 - April 8 - Solution review and documentation provided. April 4 - April 21 - Ongoing course migration. April 8 - Faculty get access to production site.