Meet the Teams
SUNY Digital Learning Environment Teams and Team Structure
Three teams/committees have been charged to help develop a comprehensive implementation, transition, and training program. Some include sub-committees charged with specific aspects of the project timeline.

SUNY DLE Steering Committee
Charge: This group will determine the strategic parameters for SUNY-wide implementation, ensure appropriate resources are provided to ensure success, address strategic and policy questions as they arise, and champion this effort with SUNY and Campus Leaders.
Name | Title | Campus / Organization |
Shadi Shahedipour-Sandvik | Provost-in-Charge | SUNY System Admin |
Eileen McLoughlin | Senior Vice Chancellor for Finance and Chief Financial Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Beth Berlin | Chief Operating Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Jamie Frank | Deputy Chief Operating Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Johanna Duncan-Poitier | Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges & the Education Pipeline | SUNY System Admin |
Brian Digman | Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Marianne Hassan | Chief of Staff to the Provost | SUNY System Admin |
Carey Hatch | Interim Senior Associate Provost for Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Beth Bringsjord | Vice Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | SUNY System Admin |
David Cantaffa | Associate Provost for Academic Programs & Planning | SUNY System Admin |
Karen Geduldig | Associate Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Tom Hippchen | Assistant Vice Chancellor for Procurement | SUNY System Admin |
Michele Feathers | Director of System-Wide Procurement | SUNY System Admin |
Lauren McCabe | Director of Chancellor’s Office Operations | SUNY System Admin |
Laura Joseph | Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs | Farmingdale State College |
Eileen Wirley | Chief Information Officer & Associate Vice President | Monroe Community College |
Keith Landa | Director of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center, UFS President | Purchase College |
Christy (Fogal) Woods | Professor, FCCC President | Monroe Community College |
Bradley Hershenson | Student Assembly President | University at Albany |
SUNY DLE Core Strategy Team
Charge: This group will be responsible for making decisions about implementation and transition planning based on parameters set by the Steering Committee, in support of SUNY Policy, and with input from the SUNY-Campus Strategy Team. This group will also tee up strategic questions raised by the SUNY-Campus Advisory Team to be brought to the Steering Committee.
Name | Title | Campus / Organization |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Christa Glassman | Director, Project Management OFC | SUNY ITEC |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy and Integration | SUNY System Admin |
Marianne Hassan | Chief of Staff to the Provost | SUNY System Admin |
Alexandra Pickett | Director of Online Teaching | SUNY System Admin |
Mike Notarius | Chief Technology Officer | SUNY ITEC |
Israel Washington | Senior Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY ITEC |
Mike Walker | SUNY Online Help Desk Manager | SUNY System Admin |
Bill Grau | Executive Director | SUNY SICAS |
Carrie Pause | Associate Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Ken Runyan | Chief Information Security Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Cynthia Proctor | Director of Communications and Academic Policy Development | SUNY System Admin |
Jamie Heron | Program Manager | SUNY CPD |
Erin Maney | Manager, Communications and Community Engagement | SUNY System Admin |
SUNY DLE Advisory Team
Charge: This group will provide input and feedback on the strategy for implementation of the SUNY Digital Learning Environment (DLE) across the System and for migration from campus solutions to the new DLE. Those members of the group who represent SUNY-wide organizations will also be responsible for sharing updates and information out with their constituents and for soliciting input and feedback from them to bring back to the SUNY Digital Learning Environment Advisory Team. This is not a decision-making group, but will provide the basis for decisions to be made by the Core Strategy Team and by the Steering Committee.
Name | Title | Campus / Organization | Role | |
Alexandra Pickett | Director of Online Teaching | SUNY System Admin | ATIS | |
Aman Kaur | DLE Project Manager | SUNY System Admin | ATIS | |
Anastasia L. Urtz | Provost and Senior Academic Vice President | Onondaga Community College | CAOs | |
Beth Gray | Student | SUNY Canton | Student rep | |
Bill Grau | Executive Director, SICAS Center | SUNY Oneonta | SICAS rep | |
Bob Cushman | Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services | SUNY Brockport | CIOs | |
Carine Surdey | Senior Instructional Designer / LMS Administrator | Broome Community College | LMS Admins | |
Carol Meyer | Director of Academic Affairs | UCAWD | UCAWD liaison | |
Carrie Pause | Associate Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin | OIT | |
Chilton Reynolds | TLTC Interim Director | SUNY Oneonta | DOODLE rep | |
Christine Paige | Interim Executive Director for Empire Online | Empire State College | Campus IDs | |
Christy Fogald> | President, Faculty Council of Community Colleges | Monroe Community College | FCCC rep | |
Cynthia Tysik | Head, Education Services | University at Buffalo | Campus Library Directors rep | |
Dan Brint | Enterprise IT Architect | ITEC | ITEC rep | |
Dan Dupee | Executive Vice President | Jefferson Community College | Business Officers rep | |
Deborah Spiro | Assistant VP Distance Education | Nassau County Community College | Campus IDs | |
Debra Gelinas | Assistant Vice Provost for Applied Learning, Director of the Center for Experiential Education | University at Albany | Campus Micro-credential Leads | |
Denise Zieske | Director of Workforce Development | SUNY System Admin | Workforce Development & Continuing Ed leads | |
Diana Voss | Director of Academic Technologies | Stony Brook University | LMS Admins | |
Dominique Luke | Program Operations Associate | SUNY System Admin | UCAWD and EOC Directors liaison | |
Erin Maney | Manager, Communications, & Community Engagement | SUNY System Admin | ATIS | |
Francesca Dimola | Student | Empire State College | Student rep | |
Gillian Paku | Associate Professor, English | SUNY Geneseo | UFS rep | |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy & Integration | SUNY System Admin | SUNY Online and Campus Leads liaison | |
Israel Washington | Sr. Supervising Programmer/Analyst | ITEC | ITEC rep | |
Jamie Heron | SUNY Online Program Manager | SUNY CPD | CPD rep | |
Jason Fried | College Director, Service, Delivery, & IT Compliance | Suffolk County Community College | EIT Officers rep | |
Jeanette Richetti | Student | SUNY Canton | Student rep | |
Jill Pippin | Dean of Extended Learning | SUNY Oswego | Workforce Development & Continuing Ed leads | |
JoAnna Tamarazzo | Student | Empire State College | Student Assembly rep | |
John Kane | Director, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching | SUNY Oswego | FACT2 rep | |
Julie Piscitello | Vice President of Finance and Administration | SUNY Oneonta | Business Officers rep | |
Katie Ghidiu | Director, Library | Monroe Community College | Library Directors rep | |
Katrina Campbell | Registrar | Tompkins Cortland Community College | Registrars rep | |
Keith Landa | Director of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center (Associate Librarian) | SUNY Purchase | UFS rep | |
Ken Runyon | Chief Information Security Officer | SUNY System Admin | CIOs rep | |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin | ATIS | |
Kyle Adams | Assistant Vice Chancellor for Marketing & Creative Strategy | SUNY System Admin | System Communications | |
Kyle Brown | Assistant Vice President, Information Services | SUNY Canton | CIOs rep | |
Laura Barnum | Vice President, Finance and Management Office | Buffalo State College | Business Officers rep | |
Lauren Rodriguez | Director of Resources for Students with Disabilities | SUNY System Admin | Disability Services Directors | |
Tom Hippchen | Assistant Vice Chancellor for Procurement | SUNY System Admin | Procurement leads | |
Mike Notarius | ITEC Chief Information Officer | Buffalo State College | ITEC | |
Mike Walker | Help Desk Manager | SUNY System Admin | Help Desk staf liaison | |
Pamela Enser | College Registrar | Empire State College | Registrars rep | |
Paula Barlow | Student | Monroe Community College | Student Assembly rep | |
Rich Borden | Information Security Coordinator | SUNY System Admin | Campus Risk Management Leads | |
Richard Gatteau | Vice President for Student Affairs | Stony Brook University | Chief Student Affairs Officers | |
Ronalyn Wilson | Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs | Hudson Valley Community College | Campus Micro-credential Leads | |
Shannon Pritting | Office of Library Information Services | SUNY System Admin | Library Directors rep | |
Shady Azzam-Gomez | Vice President for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services | Suffolk County Community College | CIOs rep | |
Shelitha Williams | Vice President, Student & Enrollment Services | Genesee Community College | Chief Student Affairs Officers | |
Sumana Silverheels | Technology Accommodations Coordinator, Student Accessibility Services | Buffalo State College | EIT Officers | |
Tanhena Pacheco-Dunn | Vice President, Chief Diversity Officer | SUNY New Paltz | Chief Diversity Officers | |
Terry Keys | Associate Vice President, Instructional Services | Monroe Community College | DOODLE rep | |
Thomas Jordan | Provost | SUNY Delhi | CAOs rep | |
Wendy Johnson | Faculty Council of Community Colleges Vice President; Associate Professor of Political Science | Adirondack Community College | FCCC rep | |
Willie Williams | Chief Diversity Officer | SUNY Orange | Chief Diversity Officers rep |
Communications Team
Charge: This group will be responsible for driving and coordination all of the communication components of the project, including presentations, system-wide communications, and a dashboard and website that will be used to communicate project status and updates for SUNY leadership and the broader SUNY community.
Name | Title | Campus / Organization |
Adrienne Dunham | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Aman Kaur | DLE Project Manager | SUNY System Admin |
Amelia Manders | Senior Programmer/Analyst | SUNY System Admin |
Erin Maney | Manager of Communications and Community Engagement | SUNY System Admin |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy and Integration | SUNY System Admin |
Israel Washington | Sr. Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY ITEC |
Jamie Heron | Program Manager | SUNY Center for Professional Development |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Toni McCreash | DLE Project Manager & Innovation | SUNY System Admin |
Campus Implementation Planning Work Group
Charge: This group will make recommendations to the SUNY Core Strategy Team regarding technical Integration, campus level configuration, templates, training and change management including campus level policies and communication. As appropriate, they will surface items that will require review and decisions by the SUNY Core Strategy team and SUNY Steering Committee.
Name | Title | Campus/Organization |
Adam Saunders | Online Learning and Instruction Librarian | Morrisville |
Adara Wilczak | Lead Programmer/Analyst | Morrisville |
Adele Merlino | Center for Teaching Excellence | Maritime |
Adrienne Dunham | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Alena Rodick | Interim Director of Instructional Design | Empire |
Alexandra Belanich | Ctr for Innovative Pedagogy | Suffolk |
Alexandra Pickett | Associate Director of SLN | SUNY System Admin |
Andrea MacArgel | Director of Instructional Design Services | Binghamton |
Antonia Jokelova | Director, Center for Learning Design, Innovation, and Online Instruction | Canton |
Billie Franchini | Director, ITLAL and Interim Director, OTL | Albany |
Brian Gomez | Assistant Coordinator Support Services | Rockland |
Camille Karl | Assistant Dean for Distance Education | Suffolk |
Carine Surdey | Sr Instructional Designer / LMS Admin | Broome |
Chandra Shehigian | Instructional Designer Manager | Old Westbury |
Chilton Reynolds | TLTC Interim Director | Oneonta |
Chris Bordeleau | LMS Team Member | ITEC |
Chris Moore | Associate Director of Educational Technology Services | Albany |
Chris Weppler | Instructional Designer | Farmingdale |
Chrisie Mitchell | Director of Instuctional Technology and eLearning | Dutchess |
Christa Glassman | Director, Project Management Ofc | ITEC |
Christina Johnston-Eustace | Instructional Technologist | Suffolk |
Christine Paige | Interim Executive Assistant to the Provost | Empire |
Cori Dunagan | Academic Technology Support Coordinator | Jamestown |
Dan Brint | Enterprise Architect | ITEC |
Danyelle O’Brien | Director for Online Learning | Alfred State |
David Furney | Dir. Library and Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation | Onondaga |
Davinder Kaur | Director of Distance Learning | Farmingdale |
Dean Dyer | Instructional Technology Specialist | Jefferson |
Deb McClenon | Director, ITS Systems & Data Center Management | Oneonta |
Deborah Spiro | Assistant VP Distance Education | Nassau |
Denise Passero | Information Technology Staff Member | Fulton Montgomery |
Diana Voss | Director of Academic Technologies | Stony Brook |
Donna Simiele | Online Learning Technology Support Coordinator | Niagara |
Elissa Baker | Director, Distance & Online Learning | Hudson Valley |
Hailey Ruoff | Associate Director Instructional Design | Cortland |
Harry Cargile | Manager of Application Services | SUNY System Admin |
Israel Washington | Sr. Supervising Programmer/Analyst | ITEC |
Jamie Heron | Program Manager | CPD |
Jamie Tabone | Instructional Designer | Buffalo State |
Jason Vickers | Dept. of Educational Theory & Practice | Albany |
Jay Stockslader | Director, Online Learning and Continuing Education | Buffalo |
Jeff Thompson | Assistant Director, Academic Systems and Instructional Support | Brockport |
Jeff Dugan | Instructional Designer | Finger Lakes |
Jennifer Adams | Senior Emerging Technologist | Stony Brook |
Jerry Bartlett | Learning Systems Manager | Canton |
John Dassatti | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
John Draeger | Director, Teaching & Learning Center | Buffalo State |
John Locke | Coordinator, Technology Enhanced Learning | Plattsburgh |
Judith Littlejohn | Instructional Designer | Genesee |
Karl Siebert | Assistant Director, Distance Learning | Erie |
Kathi Dutton | Instructional Technology Specialist | Oswego |
Kathleen Gradel | Interim Dir. Grants & Sponsored Programs, Professor, College of Education | Fredonia |
Kay Watkins | Managing Director f Collegewide Project Management | Empire |
Kevin Maclachlan | Director of Information Techology Services | Onondaga |
Kim Detterbeck | Art Librarian, Coordinator of Library Instruction, and Interim Assistant Library Manager | Purchase |
Kris MacDonald | EIT Officer,Director, CTLE | Corning |
Kyle Campanaro | Director of Technology Services | Morrisville |
Laura Parmenter | Director of Online Learning | Jamestown |
Lauren Shepard | Learning Management System Administrator | Upstate |
Laurie Fox | Director of Educational Technology | Geneseo |
Lilia Juele | Director, Online Ed & Academic Technology | Rockland |
Lindsay Bryde | Educational Technologiest | Empire |
Lisa Sieg | Instructional Technologist | Cayuga |
Marie Sciangula | Assistant Director of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center (TLTC) | Purchase |
Maureen Larsen | Director of Academic Technology | Orange |
Michelle Connolly | Digital Learning Designer | Buffalo |
Mike Walker | SUNY Online Help Desk Manager | SUNY System Admin |
Monica Papagni | Director of nstuctional Technology | Jefferson |
Nathan Whitley-Grassi | Interim Director of Educational & Emerging Technologies | Empire |
Neil Francisco | Blackboard Admin | Nassau |
Nikki Pickett | Student Product Manager | Oneonta |
Nina Santiago | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Pam Youngs-Maher | Director of eLearning | Upstate |
Patrick Ryan | Director of Distance Learning and Alternative Programs | Erie |
Patrick Schnell | CIS Unit Coordinator/Programming Supervisor | Plattsburgh |
Peter Friesen | Instructional Technology Specialist | Plattsburgh |
Robin Hill | Coordinator for Instructional Design/Professor | Suffolk |
Rose Tirotta-Esposito | Director, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching | Stony Brook |
Sal Chiera | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Stephen Race | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Stephen Simon | Assistant Director Enterprise Architecture and Integration | Empire |
Tamara Cupples | Exec. Dir. Online Learning & Academic Technologies | FIT |
Tamara Regulski | LMS Support Specialist | Binghamton |
Terry Keys | Associate Vice President of Instructional Services | Monroe |
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Senior Instructional Designer | Oswego |
Tim Ploss | Instructional Designer | Oneonta |
Victoria Ossenfort | Digital Learning Systems Architect | Albany |
Vikram Pagpatan | Assistant Professor and Admissions Coordinator | Downstate |
Yunkai Xu | Instructional Designer | Morrisville |
Nancy Babb | University Libraries | Buffalo |
Thomas Slomka | Curriculum, Assessment, and Teaching Transformation | Buffalo |
Ted Carter | Project Manager for Information Technology Services | Albany |
Contract Team
Charge: This group will review the D2L/SUNY contract and engage with both D2L and internal SUNY groups to complete the contract language and terms.
Name | Title | Campus / Organization |
Israel Washington | Senior Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY ITEC |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy and Integration | SUNY System Admin |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Katie Usher | ESC Project Management | Empire State College |
Sandy Cowin | Director of Program Finance | SUNY System Admin |
Michele Feathers | Director of System-Wide Procurement | SUNY System Admin |
Nick Marini | Strategic Sourcing Manager | SUNY System Admin |
Technical Implementation Work Group
Charge: This group will be empowered to make recommendations to the SUNY Core Strategy Team regarding architecture, network, security, and campus migrations. As appropriate, they will surface items that will require review and decisions by the SUNY Core Strategy team and SUNY Steering Committee.
Name | Title | Campus/Organization |
Adam Saunders | Online Learning and Instruction Librarian | Morrisville |
Adara Wilczak | Lead Programmer/Analyst | Morrisville |
Adele Merlino | Center for Teaching Excellence | Maritime |
Adrienne Dunham | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Aimee Swan | Senior Vice President of Wellness | Oneonta |
Antonia Blatchford | Coordinator of Online Learning | FIT |
Bill Grau | Executive Director of SICAS Center | SICAS |
Bob Cushman | Chief Informatin Officer | Brockport |
Cairen Lajia | Senior Programmer/Analyst | ITEC |
Carrie Pause | Associate Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Chris Bordeleau | LMS Team Member | ITEC |
Chris Moore | Associate Director of Educational Technology Services | Albany |
Chrisie Mitchell | Director of Instuctional Technology and eLearning | Dutchess |
Christa Glassman | Director, Project Management Ofc | ITEC |
CJ Rahr | Associate Director of Computing Services | Alfred State |
Dan Brint | Enterprise Architect | ITEC |
Dawn Bookhout | Assistant Director for Development & Degree Works | Oneonta |
Dean Dyer | Instructional Technology Specialist | Jefferson |
Diana Voss | Director of Academic Technologies | Stony Brook |
Elissa Baker | Director, Distance & Online Learning | Hudson Valley |
Harry Cargile | Manager of Application Services | SUNY System Admin |
Israel Washington | Sr. Supervising Programmer/Analyst | ITEC |
Jamie Hoover | Coordinator of eLearning Technologies | Monroe |
Jamie Tabone | Instructional Designer | Buffalo State |
Jeffrey Riman | Asst. Professor, Instructional Designer Coordinator | FIT |
Jeffrey Wessel | Academic Computing Manager | Upstate |
Jim Gonzales | Assistant Vice President of Enterprise Applications & Integrations | Stony Brook |
John Dassatti | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Justin St. Onge | System Administrator | Oneonta |
Kelly Kenline | Assistant CIO, Director of Strategic Portfolio Management and Interim Director of Enterprise Application Services | Buffalo |
Ken Runyon | Chief Information Secuirty Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Kyle Campanaro | Director of Technology Services | Morrisville |
Laura Abbatiello | Academic Technology Specialist | Onondaga |
Laurie Fox | Director of Educational Technology | Geneseo |
Leonard Kelley | Lead Computer Programmer Analyst Enterprise Operations | Hudson Valley |
Mark Carroll | Senior LMS Engineer | Stony Brook |
Mark Woodard | Assistant Director Learning Systems | Buffalo |
Mike Notarius | Chief Technology Officer | ITEC |
Nathan Whitley-Grassi | Interim Director of Educational & Emerging Technologies | Empire |
Nicole Decker | Associate Director, Client Support and Communication | Oswego |
Nina Santiago | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Patrick DeWind | Senior Programmer/Analyst | Buffalo State |
Patrick Ryan | Director of Distance Learning and Alternative Programs | Erie |
Patrick Schnell | CIS Unit Coordinator/Programming Supervisor | Plattsburgh |
Paul Lienhard | Senior Programmer/Analyst | SUNY System Admin |
Peter Friesen | Instructional Technology Specialist | Plattsburgh |
Robert Wright | Manager, Application Development | Buffalo |
Sal Chiera | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Stephen Race | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Stephen Simon | Assistant Director Enterprise Architecture and Integration | Empire |
Tamara Regulski | LMS Support Specialist | Binghamton |
Todd Evans | Senior Programmer/Analyst | Oneonta |
Victoria Ossenfort | Digital Learning Systems Architect | Albany |
Academic Policy / Standards Work Group
Charge: This group will identify potentially relevant policies/procedures that should govern this work and make recommendations to the SUNY DLE Core Strategy Team for relevant policies/procedures with which this project will be aligned.
Name | Title | Campus / Organization |
Cynthia Proctor | Director of Communications and Academic Policy Development | SUNY System Admin |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy and Integration | SUNY System Admin |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Christa Glassman | Director, Project Management OFC | SUNY ITEC |
Marianne Hassan | Chief of Staff to the Provost | SUNY System Admin |
Alexandra Pickett | Director of Online Teaching | SUNY System Admin |
Carey Hatch | Interim Sr Assoc Provost for Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
David Cantaffa | Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Planning | SUNY System Admin |
Mark McBride | Senior Library Strategist | SUNY System Admin/SUNY OER Services |
Security Work Group
Charge: This group will consider areas within the DLE that may have security implications and make recommendations back to the SUNY DLE Core Strategy Team for inclusion within the scope of the project.
Name | Title | Campus / Organization |
Ken Runyan | Chief Information Security Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy and Integration | SUNY System Admin |
Mike Notarius | Chief Technology Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Christa Glassman | Director, Project Management OFC | SUNY ITEC |
Israel Washington | Senior Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY ITEC |
Carrie Pause | Associate Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Paul Lienhard | Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY System Admin |
Paul Hebert | Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY ITEC |
Richard Borden | Information Security Coordinator | SUNY System Admin |
Technology Architecture Work Group
Charge: This group will consider areas within the DLE that may have technical architecture implications and make recommendations back to the SUNY DLE Core Strategy Team for inclusion withing the scope of the project.
Name | Title | Campus / Organization |
Ken Runyan | Chief Information Security Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy and Integration | SUNY System Admin |
Mike Notarius | Chief Technology Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Christa Glassman | Director, Project Management OFC | SUNY ITEC |
Israel Washington | Senior Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY ITEC |
Carrie Pause | Associate Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Bill Grau | Executive Director | SUNY SICAS Center |
Jana Vanderslice-Barr | Data Scientist Specialist | SUNY System Admin |
Daniel Brint | Enterprise (IT) Architect | SUNY ITEC |
Training Resources Sub-Work Group
Charge: This work group will define, discuss, and generate training resources and related logistics for the implementation and continued support of the Brightspace environment. This work group is a sub-work group that will bring its questions, findings, and output to the Campus Implementation Planning Work Group.
Name | Title | Campus/Organization |
Adam Saunders | Online Learning and Instruction Librarian | SUNY Morrisville |
Adara Wilczak | Lead Programmer/Analyst | SUNY Morrisville |
Adele Merlino | Center for Teaching Excellence- Instructional Technologist and Designer | SUNY Maritime |
Adrienne Dunham | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Allison Hosier | Information Literacy Librarian | University at Albany |
Ashley Seager-Cecchini | Instructional Designer | Finger Lakes Community College |
Benjamin Rawdon | Instructional Designer | SUNY Canton |
Breton Bienvenue | InstructionalTechnology Associate | Tompkins Cortland Community College |
Carine Surdey | Sr Instructional Designer / LMS Admin | Broome Community College |
Carolina Kim | Interim Assistant Director of Educational Technologies | Empire State College |
Christine Paige | Interim Executive Assistant to the Provost | Empire State College |
Christopher Hromalik | Professor: World Languages, Project Manager of SUNY Univsersal Design for Learning for Student Empowerment Initiative | Onondaga Community College |
Dana Salkowsky | Director for CTL | Orange County Community College |
David F Wolf II | Teaching and Learning Specialist | Schenectady County Community College |
Eileen Sperry | Online Learning Project Coordinator | Empire State College |
Jamie Heron | Program Manager | SUNY CPD |
Jamie Tabone | Instructional Designer | Buffalo State College |
Jennifer Adams | Senior Emerging Technologist | Stony Brook University |
Jeremy Case | Multi-media Instructional Designer | Monroe Community College |
John Dassatti | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
John Locke | Coordinator, Technology Enhanced Learning | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Jonjay Stockslader | Director Online Learning and Continuing Education | University at Buffalo |
Karl Siebert | Assistant Director, Distance Learning | Erie Community College |
Kate Robinson | Virtual Campus Team | Monroe Community College |
Kay Watkins | Managing Director, Collegewide Project Management | Empire State College |
Kimberly Detterbeck | Interim Assistant Library Manager, Instruction Coordinator | Purchase College |
Kris MacDonald | EIT Officer,Director, CTLE | Corning Community College |
Kristen Flint | Instructional Design Specialist | Upstate Medical University |
Kristina Maricle | Instructional Designer | SUNY Cortland |
Laura Abbatiello | Academic Technology Specialist | Onondaga Community College |
Laura Shrader | Instructional Designer | SUNY Fredonia |
Linda Ryder | Sr.Instructional Designer, Distance and Online Learning | Hudson Valley Community College |
Lisa Cuccia | Instructional Designer | SUNY Old Westbury |
Marie Sciangula | Assistant Director of Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center | SUNY Purchase |
Mathew Nichols | Instructional Technologist | SUNY Canton |
Maya Bentz | Coordinator of Instructional Design | Farmingdale State College |
Michael Phillips | Distance Learning Coordinator & Senior Instructional Designer | SUNY Potsdam |
Michaela Rehm | Senior Program Coordinator | SUNY System Admin |
Nina Santiago | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Peter Friesen | Instructional Technology Coordinator | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Renee Copperwheat | Manager of Operations and Member Services | Student Conduct Institute |
Robert Becker | Dept of Music and Threatre Arts, Dept of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Adjunt Representative | Broome Community College |
Robert Piorkowski | Assistant Director of Online Learning | SUNY System Admin |
Sal Chiera | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Shirley Sinacore | Coordinator for Instructional Design and Online Learning, Brightspace Coordinator | SUNY Sullivan |
Stephen Race | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Viktorya Mirzoyan | Program Coordinator | SUNY CPD |
Wendy Johnston | Faculty Council VP, Associate Professor of Political Science | Adirondack Community College |
Template Creation Sub-Work Group
Charge: This work group will create a suite of adaptable templates designed for a variety of instructional modes that will be recommended for adoption by campuses in the Brightspace environment. This work group is a sub-work group that will bring its questions, findings, and output to the Campus Implementation Planning Work Group.
Name | Title | Campus/Organization |
Adam Saunders | Online Learning and Instruction Librarian | SUNY Morrisville |
Adara Wilczak | Lead Programmer/Analyst | SUNY Morrisville |
Adele Merlino | Center for Teaching Excellence | SUNY Maritime |
Adrienne Dunham | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Alena Rodick | Interim Director of Instructional Design | Empire State College |
Alexandra Pickett | Associate Director of Online Learning | SUNY System Admin |
Allison Bond | Senior Instructional Designer | SUNY Canton |
Allison Hosier | Information Literacy Librarian | University at Albany |
Amanda Miller | Associate Professor in Stem Transfer | Mohawk Valley Community College |
Andrea Gilbert | Assistant Director, Instructional Designer | Monroe Community College |
Antonia Blatchford | Coordinator of Online Learning | Fashion Institute of Technology |
Carine Surdey | Sr Instructional Designer / LMS Admin | Broome Community College |
Chris Price | Academic Programs Manager | SUNY CPD |
David Cantaffa | Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Planning | SUNY System Admin |
David F Wolf II | Teaching and Learning Specialist | Schenectady County Community College |
David Scovil | Online Learning Technician | SUNY Canton |
Ed Beck | Instructional Designer | SUNY Oneonta |
Eileen Sperry | Online Learning Project Coordinator | Empire State College |
Jamie Heron | SUNY Online Program Manager | SUNY CPD |
Jeff Dugan | Instructional Designer | Finger Lakes Community College |
Jeffrey Riman | Asst. Professor, Instructional Designer Coordinator | Fashion Institute of Technology |
John Dassatti | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
John Draeger | Director, Teaching & Learning Center | Buffalo State College |
John Locke | Coordinator, Technology Enhanced Learning | SUNY Plattsburgh |
Kathryn Bohan | Director of Instructional Technology | SUNY New Paltz |
Kelly Sines | Instructional Designer | SUNY Cortland |
Kristen Flint | Instructional Design Specialist | Upstate Medical University |
Kristy Bunton | Customer Engagement and Support | Stony Brook University |
Laura Pierie | College Senate President, Div. of Human Development | SUNY Morrisville |
Lisa Montiel | Assistant Provost of Academic Programs Data and Market Analysis | SUNY System Admin |
Mark McBride | Library Senior Strategist | SUNY System Admin |
Maya Bentz | Coordinator of Instructional Design | Farmingdale State College |
Michael Phillips | Distance Learning Coordinator & Senior Instructional Designer | SUNY Potsdam |
Michelle Eichelberger | Discovery and E-Resources Program Manager | SUNY System Admin |
Nina Santiago | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
R.J. Multari | Director of Student Success Planning for Academic Affairs | University at Buffalo |
Rich McElrath | Senior Instructional Designer | SUNY New Paltz |
Robert Piorkowski | Assistant Director of Online Learning | SUNY System Admin |
Sal Chiera | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Sheryl Chisamore | Director of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning Support | SUNY Ulster |
Stephen Race | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Sylvia Navarro Nicosia | EIT Accessibility Officer | Farmingdale State College |
Tom Capuano | Instructional Designer, Virtual Campus Team | Monroe Community College |
Tony DeFranco | Instructional Designer | SUNY System Admin |
Yunkai Xu | Instructional Designer | SUNY Morrisville |
Carol Meyer | University Center for Academic & Workforce Development | SUNY System Admin |
DLE Data Strategy Sub-Work Group
Charge: The DLE Data Strategy Team is expected to develop the Governance Framework for the DLE data, ensure effective use of the Brightspace tools and data to support operational needs, and enable strategic use of the Brightspace data for reporting and analytics at both the system and campus level.
Name | Title | Campus/Organization |
Bridget Almas | Director of Data Innovation Strategy | SUNY System Admin |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy and Integration | SUNY System Admin |
Anta Cisse-Green | Senior Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs and General Counsel | SUNY System Admin |
Brian Digman | Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Teresa Foster | Associate Provost for Institutional Research & Data Analytics | SUNY System Admin |
Bill Grau | Executive Director | SUNY SICAS Center |
Adam Haney | Assistant Deputy General Counsel – Campus | SUNY System Admin |
Paul Linehard | Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY System Admin |
Carrie Pause | Associate Chief Information Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Julie Petti | Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources | SUNY System Admin |
Ken Runyon | Chief Information Security Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Ruirui Sun | Associate in Assessment and Data Analytics | SUNY System Admin |
Ahmed Syed | Information and Technology | SUNY System Admin |
Tina Vumbaco | Director of University-Wide Human Resources | SUNY System Admin |
Israel Washington | Sr. Supervising Programmer/Analyst | SUNY ITEC |
Denise Zieske | Director of Workforce Development | SUNY System Admin |
Electronic & Information Technology (EIT) Sub-Work Group
Charge: This group will surface discussion items related to compliance with EIT accessibility and information policies and standards as part of the DLE implementation. They will also provide input/recommendations to the Core Strategy Team for establishing governance, criteria, and workflows within the DLE operational framework and project to ensure that tools integrated with the DLE meet SUNY EIT accessibility and information security requirements.
Name | Title | Campus/Organization |
Adrienne Dunham | LMS Administrator | SUNY System Admin |
Aman Kaur | DLE Project Manager | SUNY System Admin |
Cynthia Proctor | Director of Communications and Academic Policy Development | SUNY System Admin |
Harry Cargile | Director of Academic Technology Strategy and Integration | SUNY System Admin |
Ken Runyon | Chief Information Security Officer | SUNY System Admin |
Kim Scalzo | Interim Sr Assoc Provost, Digital Innovation & Academic Services | SUNY System Admin |
Lauren Rodriguez | Director of Resources for Students with Disabilities | SUNY System Admin |
Marianne Hassan | Chief of Staff to the Provost | SUNY System Admin |
Mark Greenfield | Web Accessibility Officer | University at Buffalo |
Melanie Romero | Online Learning Support Specialist | SUNY System Admin |
Richard Borden | Information Security Coordinator | SUNY System Admin |
Sean Moriarty | Chief Technology Officer | SUNY Oswego |
Toni Lee McCreash | DLE Project Manager & Innovation | SUNY System Admin |