Brightspace Course Templates
Two years of collaborative work from the SUNY DLE Templates Creation workgroup, represented by 50+ members from across the SUNY System, has resulted in an array of resources in addition to a set of online course templates in a variety of instructional modalities for the SUNY Digital Learning Environment. The Team has produced 8 templates and associated materials that provide SUNY campuses, instructional designers, and faculty with the opportunity and guidance to apply consistent, pedagogically-sound, OSCQR-informed, course designs that are optimized for findability and ease of use for all users in the Brightspace environment. These templates were reviewed and refreshed with feedback from three rounds of campus, faculty, and student surveys, D2L feedback, and input from the workgroup. They provide a comprehensive set of options to quick-start high quality, mobile optimized, and accessible digital instructional resources.
Anyone can download and import into the sandbox to begin to adapt/customize for their campus and use cases. Course Templates REQUIRE campus customization that includes the navbar and campus level links and information like policies, etc., and modifications to the document level html templates for use in templated courses within the tenant. Check with the instructional design team at your institution for a customized version of the template.
The voluntary contributions of the SUNY DLE Templates Team demonstrate leadership and a commitment to quality in digital learning environments at SUNY. We are grateful to this diverse team of online learning experts who have helped shape these SUNY-wide resources.